Homework given on Saturday, May the 18th

21 May 2019

Assignment 1

Task 1.1

Create a REST endpoint that takes from a list of all clients only their email adresses and returns a list of email adresses
path is /api/clients/emails

public List<string> GetEmails()
    return GetDb()
        .Select(x => x.Email)

Task 1.2

Create a REST endpoint that returns a list consisting of the clients names whose name starts with a letter submitted as a parameter
path is /api/clients/{firstLetter}

public List<string> GetNames(char firstLetter)
    return GetDb()
        .Where(x => Char.ToLower(x.Name[0]) == Char.ToLower(firstLetter))
        .Select(x => x.Name)

Task 1.3

Create a REST endpoint that returns a list consisting of names and surnames of clients whose name starts with a letter given as a parameter and their surname also starts with a letter given as a parameter
path is /api/clients/firstLetters

public List<List<string>> GetNamesSurnames([FromUri]char nameChar, [FromUri]char surnameChar)
    return GetDb()
        .Where(x => Char.ToLower(x.Name[0]) == Char.ToLower(nameChar) &&
            Char.ToLower(x.Surname[0]) == Char.ToLower(surnameChar))
        .Select(x => new List<string> { x.Name, x.Surname })

Task 1.4

Create a REST endpoint that returns a list of client names sorted in the order given as a parameter.
path /api/clients/sort/{order}

public List<string> GetClientNamesOrdered(string order)
    List<BankClientModel> clients = GetDb();
    switch (order)
        case "asc":
                return clients
                    .Select(x => x.Name)
                    .OrderBy(name => name)
        case "desc":
                return clients
                    .Select(x => x.Name)
                    .OrderByDescending(name => name)
            return null;

Assignment 2

Task 1.1

Create a REST endpoint that will set the bonitet field of each client in the list of clients. The bonitet field will be set to ā€˜Pā€™ (positive) if the client is younger than 65 years, or ā€˜Nā€™ (negative) if the client is older than 65 years.
path /api/clients/*bonitet*/
add the attributes datum rodjenja and bonitet to the BankClientModel

public List<BankClientModel> UpdateBonitet()
    List<BankClientModel> clients = GetDb();
    foreach (var b in clients)
        TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - b.DatumRodjenja;
        int age = ts.Days / 365;
        if (age < 65)
            b.Bonitet = 'P';
            b.Bonitet = 'N';

    return clients;

Task 1.2

Create a REST endpoint that deletes the client from the list of clients if the clients does not have one of the ime, prezime, email attributes (fields) set.
path /api/clients/delete

public List<BankClientModel> DeleteNonComplete()
    List<BankClientModel> clients = GetDb();

    clients.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == null || x.Surname == null || x.Email == null);

    return clients.ToList();

Task 1.3

Create a REST endpoint that returns the count of clients in the list of clients that are younger than the age given as a parameter.
path /clients/countLess/{years}

public List<BankClientModel> GetClientsWithGivenAge(int years)
    List<BankClientModel> clients = GetDb();

    Func<DateTime, int, bool> CompareAges = (a, b) =>
        TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - a;
        int age = ts.Days / 365;
        return age < b ? true : false;

    return clients.Where(x => CompareAges(x.DatumRodjenja, years)).ToList();

Task 1.4

Create a REST endpoint that will return the average age of clients from the list of clients.
path /api/clients/averageYears

public double GetAverageAge()
    List<BankClientModel> clients = GetDb();
    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

    int ClientAge(DateTime a)
        TimeSpan ts = now - a;
        return ts.Days / 365;

    return clients.Average(x => ClientAge(x.DatumRodjenja));

Assignment 3

Task 1.1

Create a REST endpoint that will enable changing the adress of the client.
path /api/clients/changelocation/{clientId}
add a new attribute, grad to the BankClientModel class
the new adress should be forwarded as a FromUri

public BankClientModel ChangeClientLocation(int clientId, [FromUri]string location)
    List<BankClientModel> clients = GetDb();

    BankClientModel client = clients.Find(x => x.Id == clientId);

    if (client != null)
        client.Grad = location;

    return client;

Task 1.2

Create a REST endpoint that returns the clients of the bank that live in the city that was given as a parameter
path /api/clients/from/{city}

public List<BankClientModel> GetClientsFromCity(string city)
    return GetDb().Where(x => x.Grad.ToLower() == city).ToList();